Healing arts in Development

Bapu Trust has believed that “inclusion”, as a value” needs to be passed on through capacity building of multiple stakeholders, as well as persons with disabilities and DPOs.  Notions like “empathy”, “compassion”, “support”, “care”, etc. which pepper service delivery packages,  need to be taught as so many daily practices that must be cultivated.

Bapu Trust, from over a decade of service delivery experience, crystallized several training modules, and offers short trainings on “non-formal care giving”, which we offer to organizations or groups that may make requests for “mental health awareness”, going beyond “treatment”.

Bapu Trust  offers a more intensive, 18 month partnership training to NGOs, CBOs and DPOs who want to bring CRPD values and practices into their program.

Bapu Trust also runs a year long “Arts Based Therapy course” in Pune, for all Asian nationals, persons with psychosocial disabilities, family support groups, service providers and those in arts in development practice, in the use of integrated arts (rhythm, song, body, movement, visual arts, along with a variety of mindfulness practices).

The common thread in all these trainings is CRPD values, and practices of empathy, care and support. All the trainings extend practical steps on community mobilization and consolidation on practices of support and care.
